Guide to the States
Note: Each State or Commonwealth has its own format for codes and laws. Look for a "Rules Drafting Manual" or "Form and Style Manual" on your State Legistlation site. This will help you put the law in the proper format and guide you on the information they will need. For example, the Indiana General Assembly Website has their "Bill Drafting Manual". You will need to find the one for your state. If you have problems finding it, contact the State House and have them direct you to the proper resource. Your local library may also have a printed copy for you to reference.
Uniform Law Commission Commissioners donate thousands of hours of their time and legal and drafting expertise every year as a public service, and receive no salary or compensation for their work. You may be able to receive some assistance on an original draft.
New! Google Search for Case Laws
Google has made a new search available to find Case Laws:
* Not all the states have been entered yet. This is a volunteer project and information will be added as time permits.