Additional Google Search Tips:
Searching for Case Law:
General Google Search Tips:
1. Use “alskj asdlkfjlskdj“ for an exact phrase (Between " " marks)
2. Search with in a site: Recipes
3. Similar content
4. Find pages where all the terms appear in the text allintext: holidays hot bargain
5. Find pages whose title contains all the words in the search allintitle: holidays hot bargain
6. Find pages with the search query mentioned in the url allinurl: bbc news
7. Find news related to a particular location prince George location:Auckland
8. Find certain file types filetype:suffix annual report 2014 filetype:pdf
9. Search a number range dslr $300..$500
10. Asterisk to find the missing word in a phrase * that never goes * (Between * marks)
11. Or search Olymics 2012 or 2016
12. + When searching for things like blood type
13. @ When searching for social tags
14. & When searching for strongly connected ideas and phrases
15. % When searching for % values
16. $ When searching for prices
17. # When searching for topics that use hashtags
18. – When searching for words that are strongly connected
19. Weather weather <city> weather Brooklyn
20. Stock Quotes APPL
21. Time <city> time Brooklyn
22. Sports scores <team name>
23. <equation> 91*4
24. Sunset <city> sunset Brooklyn or sunrise Brooklyn for times
25. Conversions <amount+unit 1> to <unit 2> 10 miles to km
26. Define <term> define aggregate
27. Translate <word> to <language> translate pomme to English
28. Movies <postal code> movies 46614
29. Flight number details <flight number> BA 117
30. Tracking Number <tracking number> 1Z234975928349727
31. Google Search Tips
32. Google Images You can upload an image and search for a match
33. Google Googles – use your phone’s camera to search (product, place, person, etc)
34. Google Trends
35. Google Books
36. Google Scholar
1. Use “alskj asdlkfjlskdj“ for an exact phrase (Between " " marks)
2. Search with in a site: Recipes
3. Similar content
4. Find pages where all the terms appear in the text allintext: holidays hot bargain
5. Find pages whose title contains all the words in the search allintitle: holidays hot bargain
6. Find pages with the search query mentioned in the url allinurl: bbc news
7. Find news related to a particular location prince George location:Auckland
8. Find certain file types filetype:suffix annual report 2014 filetype:pdf
9. Search a number range dslr $300..$500
10. Asterisk to find the missing word in a phrase * that never goes * (Between * marks)
11. Or search Olymics 2012 or 2016
12. + When searching for things like blood type
13. @ When searching for social tags
14. & When searching for strongly connected ideas and phrases
15. % When searching for % values
16. $ When searching for prices
17. # When searching for topics that use hashtags
18. – When searching for words that are strongly connected
19. Weather weather <city> weather Brooklyn
20. Stock Quotes APPL
21. Time <city> time Brooklyn
22. Sports scores <team name>
23. <equation> 91*4
24. Sunset <city> sunset Brooklyn or sunrise Brooklyn for times
25. Conversions <amount+unit 1> to <unit 2> 10 miles to km
26. Define <term> define aggregate
27. Translate <word> to <language> translate pomme to English
28. Movies <postal code> movies 46614
29. Flight number details <flight number> BA 117
30. Tracking Number <tracking number> 1Z234975928349727
31. Google Search Tips
32. Google Images You can upload an image and search for a match
33. Google Googles – use your phone’s camera to search (product, place, person, etc)
34. Google Trends
35. Google Books
36. Google Scholar